Seek To Understand

I think we could all use a good dose of counseling now and again. Until then, my new mantra is "seek to understand".  Seek to understand ... mind, body, and soul.

Stress we can't control, will always be in our lives ... it's the stress we CAN control that invades our lives and is a huge detriment to getting healthy. The stress of personal relationships can be tough and I'm not sure this is even the setting for this, but remember, I'm telling you my story and what has worked for me. 

Stressful relationships can cause us to overeat/undereat and/or eat mindlessly.  They can also drive ya to drink, but that's another post. What I really want to say here is, "stop dragging people around"  a really good piece of advise, but kinda harsh. We have to live with people and we have to eat. Instead of heading to the refrigerator door when conflict arises ...  seek to understand. 

  • Change your thinking. Negative thoughts live in your mind, rent free! Kick 'em to the curb.
  • Don't invite yourself into the drama of someone else's life.
  • You are only responsible for your own words and actions.
  • Don't work harder on someone else's problem than they do.
  • Put blinders on, if you must, concentrate on fixing you, alone. 
  • Set boundaries. 
  • No, is a complete sentence.
  • Seek professional help. 

As some of you who read here may know, I've partnered with the health and wellness company, Isagenix and I am reading, researching, and devouring  everything I can from them.   My goal is not to lose weight. My goal is to get healthy, stay healthy, and tell my story along the way.   

So I seek to understand.  Did you know in 1955 you could get all the vitamin C you needed for the day from one orange?  Today you need to eat nine oranges to get a enough vitamin C.* (From the book "Why Diets are Failing Us" by Peter Greenlaw, Dr. Dennis Harper) Isagenix is not a diet, I'm drinking nutritious and tasty shakes instead of empty calorie breakfasts and lunches. I cleanse and fast once a week. I'm listening to podcasts, reading articles, and studying everything I can get my hands on. As far as mind and body are concerned, I'm an Isalifer.

This plan, along with my determination and resolute to get healthy, and some online counseling IS working for me.  

A couple of my favorite go-to counselors:

Danny Silk: "Keep Your Love On"

Dr. Henry Cloud: Boundaries 

Shauna Niequist: Present Over Perfect

Having trouble in a relationship? Seek to understand and maybe it's time to move on.

Overeating? Seek to understand when, where, and why and take some proactive steps.

Sick and tired? Seek to understand a new way of living, loving, and eating.

Read it again. It doesn't say "fix your neighbor" ... it doesn't say "critique your neighbor" ... It doesn't say "judge your neighbor" ... it doesn't say "belittle your neighbor."  Read it again. Does it not insinuate that we ARE to love ourselves? 

Have an awesome Sunday.